Teeth whitening kits are available everywhere today; online, over the counter, and from your dentist. Studies report that bleaching or whitening products can improve the color of...
Want to win an iPod touch? Enter our pumpkin carving contest! How about making some money off of your Halloween candy? Dr. Papandreas is doing a Candy Buy Back program for up to...
At Papandreas Orthodontics we want all our patients to have fun at Halloween. It’s all about decorations, costumes, and having a good time. But we also want to make sure you...
You only get one chance to make a first impression, no matter what your age. Whether you are meeting new friends or interviewing for a job, a smile is important to building both...
“It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.” -Mark Twain
Do Wisdom Teeth cause crowding of your front...
The consumption of sugar will always be an issue for dental professionals, medical professionals, nutritionists, and health buffs everywhere. As long as sugar remains a large part...
At Papandreas Orthodontics, some teens and adults opt for Invisalign, the “braceless” alternative to traditional braces to straighten teeth. What would you do if something...
Oral piercings of the tongue, lips, and cheeks are growing in popularity and acceptance, and are considered a way to express ones personality in an art form like tattoos. However,...
Summer is here in full force and half the year has already zoomed by. Our team at Papandreas Orthodontics researched some fun facts about our country’s most celebrated...