Your retainer is a very important part of overall treatment. Shifting teeth is a normal occurrence as you grow yet is not always desirable. Proper use of your retainer cannot stop this shifting but will minimize its progression and in turn help maintain the great results we have achieved. This is especially important since the true comprehensive stage of orthodontics is yet to come and the better you wear retainers the easier this final step will be. Bring your retainer to every visit and follow the below guidelines.


  • Wear your trays immediately to bed every night until Dr. Papandreas says otherwise!
  • Wear each tray in your series in order for 1 month each just to bed.
  • Always automatically progress to the next tray in your series after 1 month. If you break, wear down, or lose a tray jump sooner to the next one.
  • Be sure to bring your trays at each and every visit to our office.


  • Brush and floss at bedtime before inserting your retainers.
  • Firmly seat your trays fully into position to ensure proper function; gentle removal will minimize damage.
  • Continue to wear the trays every night to bed and fully into place regardless of loosening baby teeth and/or erupting adult teeth. If you discontinue or modify wear the trays will no longer fit properly.
  • Rinse them thoroughly each morning and store during the day in a cup of fresh clean water to prevent saliva drying on to them.
  • If you are not fully cleaning your teeth at night, you may need to occasionally brush your retainers with toothpaste and rinse to keep them clean.
  • Minor adjustments to rough edges may be made by carefully smoothing with a nail file.


  • You will not be able to bite all the way down with the trays in place, this is normal.
  • Do not try to bite all the way down or you will break, dislodge and/or wear down the trays.
  • The trays will not function properly if not worn completely in place!
  • Be aware that new fillings will likely mean the immediate need for new trays.
  • Like a great pair of dress shoes trays need to be replaced periodically due to wear.
  • There is a charge to replace trays but do not wait until your last tray is destroyed to call our office for replacements, this can result in additional replacement costs beyond the norm.

Congratulations again on a great result; be sure to show off your smile and tell a friend where you go it!



Papandreas Orthodontics and the American Association of Orthodontists recommends a specialist evaluate every adult, and all children no later than the age of 7. Although treatment for kids rarely begins at age 7 the early detection of impending problems always leads to a simpler, less expensive future solution via proper timing. Dr. Papandreas provides the initial consultation with records and follow-up observations at no charge to all kids and adults. No referral is necessary for you or your child (you can also share this info with a friend); CLICK HERE to set a visit now. Do not hesitate pursuing this evaluation regardless of perception that ‘all is ok’, as many problems are not easily identifiable except by the Certified Orthodontic Specialist©.