At What Age Do Baby Teeth Normally Fall Out?

Baby’s First Teeth

Teething can be an ordeal for you and your baby. It is an experience that requires patience and perseverance. Sadly, it is an inevitable painful experience for the young born who is now between 4 and seven months old.

Did you know that teeth development is hereditary? So if your teeth emerged early, the chances are that your baby will too. Babies get their 20 first baby teeth in pairs, and the lower central incisors are the first teeth to come on board followed by higher central incisors, lower and top lateral incisors, second molars, canines and first molars.

Falling Out of Baby Teeth

At the age of between 4 to 8 years depending on how early the baby teeth erupted, most kids start to lose their first tooth. The same order in which baby teeth erupted is the same order in which they will begin to fall off. They fall off to about the age of 12 or 13, and by now the kids should have a full set of permanent teeth.

Orthodontic Evaluation

Also, between these ages, it is vital for a child to get an orthodontic evaluation. An orthodontist specializes in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of dental irregularities. Misaligning of teeth can happen to babies too.Having an orthodontic evaluation early enough identifies the problem at an early stage and allows corrective measures to be equally taken soon.

Crooked Teeth

Common oral health problems such as thumb sucking, tongue thrusting or prolonged use of bottle may cause a baby to lose a tooth or delay eruption. A permanent tooth might grow into the empty space. As such, it can crowd permanent teeth causing them to become twisted, crooked, or even overlap.

Other reasons may include

  • Misalignment of the jaw due to a facial injury
  • The mouth being too small
  • Undue pressure on the teeth and gums
  • Malformed sizes of upper and lower jaws causing an overbite or underbite
  • Inherited traits
  • Gingivitis

What are the Long Run Benefits of Early Treatments?

  • This is primarily the first step towards caring for your child’s smile.
  • It saves your child disturbances of teeth removal and financial burden caused through adult procedures.
  • Moreover, this is the most recommended stage of growth to fix a child’s bite, and a parent might not have a better time to straighten their child’s teeth.
  • Interceptive care or preventive care can be an advantage to guide the intended result of development to take place this prevents further problems from developing.

Hints that your Child might need Early Treatment?

  • Difficulty in chewing and biting
  • Sticking out teeth
  • Speech obstruction
  • Shifting of the jaw when a child closes or opens their mouth
  • Crowded front teeth
  • Irregular eruption patterns
  • Mouth breathing


Orthodontic Appliances and Recommendations


Braces can be suitable for your child as early as the age of 7. By this age, uneven bite and overcrowding have become permanent, and the teeth are conducive for straightening. They can stay for as short or long as advised by the orthodontic and depending on the severity of the dental problem.

They apply pressure to the teeth and jaws and move them into the desired position. There are different types of braces that orthodontics would recommend. They include,

Orthodontic Headgear

This is a headgear recommended for correcting a misaligned bit and also for creating more space for crowded teeth by moving the molars further back.It is normally used especially in kids for a short time.

Elastic Bands

These are rubber bands used in children to apply more force to move a tooth and jaws to the desired position. They are colored differently to amuse them as they decorate their mouths.

Temporary Anchorage Devices

These are mini-screws that are temporarily fixed into a bone to apply force to move the teeth. They are best used for tooth control.

Call Papandreas Orthodontics to Schedule Your First Orthodontic Appointment

Dr. Samuel Papandreas provides expert orthodontic care for adults, teenagers and children at his facilities in:

• Brunswick, Ohio
• North Royalton, Ohio

His patients are fitted with customized orthodontic devices that include:

• Braces – color-matching ceramic or metal devices
• Retainers – worn at night when your braces are removed
• Invisalign aligners – clear plastic devices
• Palatal expanders – worn before your orthodontic treatment begins

You can schedule an appointment with Papandreas Orthodontics to learn about the best type of orthodontic treatment for you and your children to improve your smile correct your dental bite.

Papandreas Orthodontics
3511 Center Road, Suite B
Brunswick, OH 44212
tel: 330-558-9092


14200 Ridge Rd
North Royalton, OH 44133
tel: 440-582-8585